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Shopping and Cuisine in Agra

Shopping and Cuisine in Agra

Along with several monumental wonders Agra is also known for its handicrafts, arts and traditions. The bustling old and new bazaars make this city a shopper’s paradise too. The city abounds with shopping malls and bazaars where you can buy the specialties of this place. The main shopping areas of the city are Sadar Bazar, Kinari Bazar, Raja-ki-Mandi, Sanjay Place and the Taj Mahal Complex.

Agra is famous for marble work, inlay work, leather work, rugs and carpets and brassware. One of the most popular items sold in the Agra shops is the replica of the Taj Mahal. This replica is in the shopping list of every visitor.

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Agra Cuisine

Agra offers a variety of lip smacking and spicy dishes to tourists who come here from several parts of the globe. Being an important Mughal seat for long time this place known as great food connoisseurs.

With the passage of time several Mughal emperors had passed his personal recipe to people. These recipes are known as Mughlai food. Several famous meat dishes that have come from the kitchen of the Mughals are tandoori chicken, seekh and boti kabab and even tandoori fish. Agra is also famous for its local sweets like Petha and gazak and dalmoth.

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